Ray Was Face-to-Face With Adam Schiff, ranking member, House Intelligence Committee, this morning – January 25, 2017


(Segment with Ray and Schiff is from minute 1:14:25 to 1:16:20.)


The official Q and A after a panel on “Russian Hacking and U.S. Elections” was greatly shortened this morning at Mrs. Clinton’s most enthusiastic supporter/think tank, the Center for American Progress, so Ray did not get to ask a question during the Q and A.  (The Center, founded by John Podesta and now led by Neera Tanden, has been going all out to blame Mrs. Clinton’s defeat on Russian President Putin, James Comey – anyone but their too-clever-by-half campaign.)


But the camera was still running after the formal session and caught Ray asking Adam Schiff, D, California, whether he is claiming he knows more than Obama about the gaping evidence-gap between Russian hacking and WikiLeaks.  Ray referred Schiff to then-President Obama’s words at his last press conference exactly a week ago:


“… the conclusions of the intelligence community with respect to the Russian hacking were not conclusive” regarding WikiLeaks.  In other words, the intelligence community has no idea how the DNC emails reached WikiLeaks.  (See: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/01/20/obama-admits-gap-in-russian-hack-case/ )


The gravitas displayed at the panel discussion gave superficiality a bad name.  The c-span video is probably worth skimming through, if only for that.  But Ray’s two minutes with Schiff may be worth a fast-forward.