Iran and Terrorism: Shia Iran stopped big-time support for terrorism about 30 years ago – at about the same time the Russian military threat to Western Europe stopped.  (Quick: someone tell the mainstream media!)  Now, thanks largely to the terrorist waiver Washington grants to U.S. major arms purchasers like the Saudis, it is Saudi Arabia and the radical Sunnis it finances and arms, that are the major exporters of terrorism, WITNESS THE TERRORIST ATTACKS IN TEHRAN SEVERAL HOURS AGO.  On Monday, Ray addressed this issue, inter alia, on Brian Becker’s “Loud and Clear.”

June 4, 2017 (18 minutes)


The interview was initially pegged to a highly instructive article appearing in a still widely read newspaper that carries All the News the CIA Deems Fit to Print.  The title: “C.I.A. Names the ‘Dark Prince’ to Run Iran Operations, Signaling a Tougher Stance.”  (Obiter dictum: Don’t Worry, Americans; We Have a New Dark Prince to Work Cheney’s “Dark Side.”)