YouTube: https://youtu.be/mOppsiboBgA
Radio4All: http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/100396
Nov. 21, 2018 (58 minues)
Jack covers the waterfront: how Ray, after serving as an infantry/intelligence officer during the early 60s, became a CIA analyst focusing on Russia’s relations with China and Vietnam; then chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch; Kennedy ad Khrushchev; JFK assassination and cover-up; Alan Dulles’s imaginative use of “conspiracy-theory” ploy to stanch well founded suspicions.
Gulf of Tonkin; Ray’s analyst colleague Sam Adams gets it right, is sacrificed on altar of institutional/political expediency; “Mac” Bundy’s cowardice; trying to inform Nixon and Kissinger; their imaginative use of U.S.-U.S.S.R.-China triangular diplomacy and how that powerful card has been frittered away; fabricated “intelligence” before the attack on Iraq; James Clapper’s admission, in his memoir, that he was “so eager to help [Cheny/Bush] that we found what wasn’t really there”! [WMD]; Ray braces Clapper on that, as Ray earlier had confronted Clapper’s patron, Donald Rumsfeld, in public [The impromptu, four-minute mini-debate that followed a Rumsfeld speech in Atlanta is still receiving hits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1FTmuhynaw ]. And, as if to crown the whole experience, Anderson Cooper asking Ray, twice, “Weren’t you afraid?”
The Downing Street Memo, minutes of Tony Blair with his 12 disciples on July 23, 2002 when Blair was told by the head of Britain’s CIA that Bush had decided to do regime change in Iraq; that the war would be justified by WMD and faux evidence of Saddam Hussein colluding with al Qaeda; and that, as the minutes of that meeting bolfly put it, “the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy;” this was eight months before the attack on Iraq.
Finally, a brief discussion of the international law principle of “universal jurisdiction:” how it snared former Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet; how it was invoked in Paris in October 2007 while Rumsfeld was there to give a talk, causing him to abruptly sneak away to the airport and take the first flight back to safety in the U.S.; why Bush Jr. canceled plans to give a speech in Geneva in February 2011; why former CIA Director George Tenet is still hiding in his basement; why James Clapper might wish to cancel any plans to travel abroad; and why current CIA Director Gina Haspel, torturer extraordinaire, had to have a fighter escort flying to and from Turkey last month. [The fighter escort may be apocryphal; the rest is real.]