Dec. 2, 2018 (58 minutes)
YouTube: https://youtu.be/V6dhpFLj52A
Radio4All: http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/100408
Jack Gilroy asks about Ray’s various arrests for witnessing. Ray singles out one time he was convicted, since it illustrates not only the cowardly, narrowly political nature of once-admired Congress-creatures like John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi, but also their vulnerability to Deep State blackmail — not to mention their lack of respect for the Constitution.
The good and the bad of George H. W. Bush. He knew about “the crazies,” and yet wimped out on telling his son, and the world, what a disaster attacking Iraq would be. (See: https://consortiumnews.com/2018/04/05/coming-attraction-lunatic-loose-in-west-wing/ )
Earlier, he said not a word, when Bill Clinton broke Bush’s own promise to Mikhail Gorbachev not to expand NATO “one inch” to the East, which, in turn, has led to all sorts of very serious — and predictable — trouble. (See, for example, this poignant lament by Sen. Bill Bradley:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-alxZvUCS8 )
The Russians saw this as a betrayal of trust, and this turned out to be far more historically consequential that the elder Bush’s more enlightened initial behavior in 1990-1991 when the Soviet empire fell apart. It helps to explain the Kremlin’s lack of trust in such promises.
Paul Wolfowitz in 1991 after the “glorious victory” of Desert Storm: main lesson is “The Russians won’t stop us.” And so it was again in 2003 with the attack and occupation of Iraq. Not so, though, in 2014 with the Western-sponsored Putsch in Kiev, apparently with the misbegotten hope of absorbing Ukraine into NATO. By then, the Russians could, and did, “stop us.” Any residual Kremlin trust in the U.S. evaporated quickly, especially as the Russians watched U.S. vassal states in Euroope — one after the other — bow to the U.S. diktat on sanctions.
And cui bono from all this? The MICIMATT. Eisenhower’s Military-Industrial complex has blossomed five-plus decades later into the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank (MICIMATT) complex. President Trump is openly rooting for “Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and many other great U.S. defense contractors.” The bono goes to the arms manufacturers and merchants; they are the cui.
The award given by Sam Adams Associates for Integrity on December 8 to its 17th annual honoree, Karen Kwiatkowski, at the Festival Center where Ray has worked for the last 20 years. The center is an offshoot ministry of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour, under whose auspices Tell the Word, the non-profit that Ray now leads, does its work. How Church of the Savior pastor Gordon Cosby explained why he wanted Ray to identify himself with the church when he speaks or writes.
The ethos of small-is-better-than-ever-bigger, and the revolutionary possibilities emerging from small groups that meet faithfully every week. Finally, Ray points to the distinct advantage enjoyed by seniors willing to “put their bodies into it,” in order to show younger people the risks we are willing to take in times like these — ties that summon us to be “Winter Soldiers.”