So How did those damaging DNC emails get to WikiLeaks?
After plugging his memoir at the Carnegie Endowment in November, ex-National Intelligence Director Clapper said he had “no doubt” that the Russians did it — those same Russians whom he has described as “almost genetically” deceitful. Clapper backed down a bit later, saying he’s “pretty sure” the Russians did it.
Ray summed up VIPS’s findings during the two and a half minutes RT gave him on Jan. 10, 2019.
The segment with Ray runs from minute 3:05 to 5:30.
Clapper claims before a typically under-informed audience that his case rests largely on “forensics.” But how many listeners would know, or remember, that the FBI avoided doing forensics on the DNC computers (as former FBI Director James Comey sheepishly admitted under oath). Curious.
Even outgoing President Obama, who almost always showed himself to be putty in the hands of intelligence gurus, refused to play along with their whole story, admitting that he remained far from convinced on one key aspect of what has become “Russia-gate.” On Jan. 18, 2017, just two days before leaving town, Obama told a press conference that the “conclusions of the intelligence community” regarding how such sensitive material got to WikiLeaks were “inconclusive.”
Now why would the “mainstream media” have missed that?
Obama’s words came less than two weeks after Clapper and the heads of the CIA, FBI, and NSA had fully briefed him on the misnomered, evidence-impoverished “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated Jan. 6. That flawed piece of analysis drafted by “handpicked analysts” pretended to serve up what would be seen as conclusive conclusions on that critical point. Answering Ray’s question on Obama being out of step on this at Carnegie, Clapper said: “I cannot explain what he [Obama] said or why. But I can tell you we’re, we’re pretty sure we know, or knew at the time, how WikiLeaks got those emails.”
Right. Now it’s “pretty sure.”
The prior three minutes of the RT program deals with yet another case of “Russian hacking” that, it turns out, “really wasn’t there” — this time during the recent Senate race in Alabama. That segment is also worth watching.