Mexican Daily Frontpages VIPS Warning on Venezuela

By Ray McGovern

Fulton Armstrong advises that La Jornada, one of Mexico’s leading national newspapers, has frontpaged a translation of VIPS’ Memorandum of April 4 to President Trump, urging caution regarding Venezuela.
Here is the link to the article in La Jornada:
And the link to the earlier VIPS Memo is here:
Fulton Armstrong was principal drafter of the VIPS Memo; he been National Intelligence Officer for Latin America, and also National Security Council Director for Inter-American Affairs.  La Jornada placed the VIPS Memo at the  center of its front page today, Sunday, under the headline: Intervenir en Venezuela llevará a la guerra con Rusia, alertan a Trump (“Tump is warned that intervention in Venezuela could lead to war with Russia.”)
Here’s how La Jornada introduced its readers to VIPS, below which we offer an informal English translation:

El grupo Veteranos Profesionales de Inteligencia por la Cordura (VIPS, por sus silgas en inglés) advierte en el presente memorando al gobierno del presidente estadunidense Donald Trump que su intento de interferir en Venezuela puede acabar provocando una guerra entre Estados Unidos y Rusia. VIPS fue fundado en 2003 y su primera declaración, redactada en el mismo formato y enviado al entonces presidente estadunidense George W. Bush y su gobierno, fue una disertación para refutar los argumentos y distorsiones que utilizó dicha administración para justificar la invasión a Irak.

“The group Veteranos Profesionales de Inteligencia por la Cordura (VIPS, by its initials in English) warns in its current memorandum to the government of U.S. President Donald Trump that his attempt to intervene in Venezuela could end up provoking a war between the U.S. and Russia.  VIPS was founded in 2003 and its first memorandum, written in the same format and sent to then-U.S. president George W. Bush and his government, was a commentary refuting the arguments and distortions which that administration used to justify the invasion of Iraq.”

The Spanish translation of the text of the Memo follows that lead-in.

A German translation is expected to be posted in a day or two on a prominent German website.

Any ideas as to how to circumvent the censors in the U.S.?