A rush to war based on faulty intelligence and a manufactured crisis sounds very familiar.
By Marcia Mitchell
Katharine Gun of the UK’s NSA equivalent was the second recipient of the annual Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. Coleen Rowley of the FBI was the first.
For more information on the annual Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence go to samadamsaward.ch. The award citation for Katharine is included below, but you are invited also to read, below the citation, related articles on her courage — articles posted, appropriately enough, by SAAII award laureate Coleen Rowley. Here’s the citation:
Katharine GunKnow all ye by these presents that Katharine Gun is hereby awarded The Corner-Brightener Candlestick, presented by Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence.
Heeding the dictates of conscience and true patriotism, Ms. Gun put her career and her very liberty at risk trying to prevent the launching of an illegal war. That she is here with us today and not in a prison cell bespeaks a tacit but clear admission by her government that the US/UK attack on Iraq in March 2003 was in defiance of international law.
Ms. Gun’s beacon of light pierced a thick cloud of deception. She set a courageous example for those intelligence analysts of the “Coalition of the Willing” who have first-hand knowledge of how intelligence was corrupted to “justify” war, but who have not yet been able to find their voice.
Presented this 14th day of April 2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark by admirers of the example set by our former colleague, Sam Adams.
Do not miss the film. And, with respect to Iran at this point, please tell all your insider friends “who have not yet been able to find their voice.” There must be one or two with the courage of Katharine Gun and Coleen Rowley.