Uh-oh: Was HRC Behind the “Russian DNC Hack” Canard?
By Ray McGovern, Sept. 30, 2020
The “Russian hack”, it turns out, was apparently HRC’s love child.
We thought — and wrote — so from the very start. Yet, yesterday’s report came as a surprise to the few who saw or heard about it. Turns out, though, that the Russians were aware; and so were top U.S. intelligence officials.
A MUST READ: Real-pro journalists can quickly pinpoint the woman/man behind the curtain and figure out who is working the levers. So it was with Patrick Lawrence, whose initial take was a “grand slam” — in more ways than won.
Hillary Clinton’s PR honcho, Jennifer Palmieri, inadvertently revealed the agitprop game plan on the “Russian hack” of the DNC, with an odd kind of naive pride; April 2017
Ray asks Adam Schiff about the evidence on “Russian hacking”
Jan. 25, 2017 (2 minutes)
Can You Handle the Truth on Russia-gate?
(Maybe now they can; maybe.)
Ray in Seattle, Aug. 4, 2018. Yes, it was clear by then.
Please tell the two or three of your friends who may still have an open mind.