By Ray McGovern
https://scotthorton.org/interviews/11-13-20-ray-mcgovern-on-the-revenge-of-an-outgoing-trump-administration/ (Can skip commercial between minutes 26:20 and 27:50.)
In a November 13 radio interview with Antiwar’s Scott Horton, we pretty much covered the waterfront on pre- and post-election intelligence issues.
Trump remains handcuffed by the National Security State (aka Deep State), even amidst tentative signs — a few post-election fires and hires — hinting he might throw discretion to the winds and ensure that Russia-gate evidence is declassified and released. Former CIA Director John Brennan, at least, seems worried about what that would mean for him and his Russia-gate co-conspirators.
The Deep State, however, is a fearsome thing — literally— and the odds are against Trump summoning up the courage (many would call it foolhardiness) to order such release and then see that his order is enforced. During the last two minutes (1:04:30 to 1:06:40) I call this “an outside chance”.
Rather, I suggest that Attorney General William Barr will “chicken out” — that is, punt on the Durham investigation into the origins of the dubiously predicated FBI operation against Trump and Russia. That may explain what Barr did last Tuesday ( See: Ray’s article yesterday: https://original.antiwar.com/mcgovern/2020/12/04/barr-kicks-durham-can-down-the-street/ )