By Ray McGovern, March 6, 2022
Some readers may be among the 300,000-plus, who have already watched Wednesday’s salon featuring universally respected (until Wednesday, at least) professor John Mearsheimer and me — with Q&A input from Amb. Jack Matlock, physics professor/former Pentagon adviser Ted Postol, Susan Eisenhower, et al. The salon was sponsored by the Committee on the Republic.
A technical glitch prevented me from including a short, highly revealing intercepted conversation between then-Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland and the de-rigueur deferential/submissive U.S. ambassador in Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt.
Hearing Is Believing
In a word, you have to hear them plotting the coup (over an open telephone) to believe how confident they were that their coup plans would land “jelly-side up”, as Pyatt put it. (The conversation was posted on YouTube on Feb. 4, 2014; the coup came 18 days later.)
The good news is that the folks at Consortium News have been kind enough to insert the Nuland-Pyatt conversation into the original video (while smoothing out smaller glitches), and have just posted their edited version on YouTube. See minutes 24:40 to 29:00 of:
‘Jelly-Side Up’; And Biden Ready to Make Coup ‘Stick’
Hear Ambassador Pyatt reassure Nuland (his superior), “We could land jelly side up on this one.”
And hear Nuland say she has word from Joe Biden adviser Jake Sullivan that Vice President Biden is willing to lend his gravitas as VP “to get the details to stick” (Minutes 28:49 to 28:56).
Where Are They Now?
Victoria Nuland: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (number 3 at State)
Geoffrey Pyatt: U.S. Ambassador to Greece
Jake Sullivan: Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Joe Biden: President of the United States of America
John Mearsheimer: Still universally respected by those able to think amid hysteria