By Ray McGovern, March 10, 2022
Robert Scheer and I covered a lot of ground on Russia, Ukraine, U.S., China, and Europe yesterday for his Scheer Intelligence podcast. After seeing the March 2 salon at which John Mearsheimer and I spoke, Scheer asked me, in effect, to do a follow-up on some of the key issues discussed.
The YouTube video of that salon has already gotten over 700,000 hits. (See: https://raymcgovern.com/2022/03/06/starring-nuland-pyatt-in-their-own-words/ , which embeds the more polished video of that salon and includes the intercepted conversation between Victoria Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, as they plotted, en clair, the Feb. 22, 2014 coup in Kyiv.) Thanks to YouTube, which posted that conversation, news of the upcoming coup — including the key dramatis personnae — were publicly available 18 days before the coup itself.
Watching the YouTube video of that salon, Robert Scheer was particularly struck by former senior Pentagon adviser/MIT physics professor Ted Postol’s alarming remarks during the Q&A. (As if still more strategic uncertainty were needed today!), Ted reminded us that the Russian early warning system cannot immediately detect the firing of ballistic missiles wherever they are — on land or sea.
I was happy to be able to note for Scheer’s podcast listeners that the Committee for the Republic has invited Ted Postol to lead a salon on Ukraine and Nuclear Risk on March 17 at 7:00 PM Eastern. The Committee’s salons are free and open to all.