RT International asked Ray on August 15 to comment on the Kafkaesque denial of the habeas petition of Tariq Ba Odah, a Yemeni hunger-striker being force-fed at Guantanamo. “Is this who we are?” Should we hold a Memorial Service for the Magna Carta?

After 13 years there, Ba Odah, 36, is down to 74 pounds – 56 percent of his ideal body weight – and is said to be close to death. On Aug. 14, the Department of Justice filed an extremely rare secret challenge to his release, even though he had been cleared for release by a six-agency task force in 2009. Ray attributed the bizarre situation to a lack of courage on the part of President Obama, who limits himself to asking plaintively, “Is this who we are?” and then caves before the DoD thugs and DoJ faux-lawyers who theoretically work for him.

​(6 min.)
