August 19, 2016 (see first 3 of 5 minutes)
Ray takes part briefly in RT discussion of the surreally successful U.S. media campaign to distract attention from the fact that emails leaked to WikiLeaks show Hillary Clinton stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders.
Ray visualizes how the propaganda launch began:
How do we divert attention away from Hillary and her buddies at the Democratic National Committee? The PBT (Putin Bashing Team) suggests, Blame it on Putin! Objection: But it wasn’t Putin, it was WikiLeaks. The ABT (Assange Bashing Team) says, No problem: we’ll say Putin gave the emails to WikiLeaks. That way, we distract attention from the real crime, while blackening Putin and Julian Assange – all in one swell foop! Outstanding!
And so it goes. Even National Intelligence Director James Clapper has criticized “hyperventilation” in the media, with no proof as to who the culprits might be. Not a problem for Forbes Magazine, as it calls for hack-“retaliation:”
“Obama is the only person on earth who can respond in-kind to the Putin regime’s egregious intervention in the American democratic process. Putin and his inner circle are vulnerable to exposure of their own shameful actions, habits, actions and fetishes. In the electronic age, the Kremlin fortress has become a glass house.” [fetishes???]
For starters, Obama should order the intelligence community to compile properly sanitized dumps of emails and social media among select targets in Putin’s inner circle. … If disciplined enough, the U.S. can outplay the Putin-WikiLeaks team. …
And then there are national cultural norms that no present Russian leader could politically survive once the glass of invincibility is electronically shattered. Above almost all else, Putin nurses a deep-seated hostility to male homosexuality. Putin-centric political elites could never endure the humiliation and ridicule following a skillful intelligence dump of their private emails, text messages, social media posts, photos and Web browser histories. (sic)