Washington, DC, December 8, 2018
Includes Karen’s acceptance speech and the award citation before a full house at the Festival Center.
Rob Reiner’s suppressed film, “Shock and Awe,” in which an actress plays Karen’s key role as whistleblower before the attack on Iraq, was shown before the award ceremony.
Video of the ceremony itself includes talks by Larry Wilkerson (awardee #7), as well as Karen, and awardee #15 John Kiriakou’s presentation to Karen of the Corner-Brightener Candlestick Holder for shining light into dark places — the “Oscar” chosen by Sam Adams Associates as the most fitting. The Q & A following Karen’s talk is also included.
That video will be posted in a few days on samadamsaward.ch, the website on which one can find detailed background information about previous awardees (as well as the answer to ‘Why Sam Adams?’). From 2002 to 2018, the awardees are:
1 — Coleen Rowley
2 — Katharine Gun, UK
3 — Sibel Edmonds
4 — Craig Murray, UK
5 — Sam Provance
6 — Frank Grevil, Denmark
7 — Larry Wilkerson
8 — Julian Assange, Australia
9 — Thomas Drake
10 -Jesselyn Radack
11 -Thomas Fingar
12 -Edward Snowden, stateless
13 -Chelsea Manning
14 -William Binney
15 -John Kiriakou
16 -Seymour Hersh
17 -Karen Kwiatkowski