SURPRISE: A four-minute Hoot! Enjoy the MICIMATT IN SONG, with lyrics calling out each part of the ravenous Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media- Academia-Think-Tank complex. Let’s prepare a Requiem for the MICIMATT in 2024. Happy New Year!
53 search results for "micimatt"
Ray Explains Key Role of MICIMATT in Ukraine
July 10, 2022 (6 minutes)
MICIMATT Inner Sanctum…
Citoyen Max Blumenthal dares enter inner sanctum of the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex as MICIMATT meets in Washington
Citoyen/nes should do this: Allons enfants de la patrie!
Le jour de gloire est arrivé.
Can the MICIMATT Douse ‘Lightening Flashes of Trust’?
By Ray McGovern, June 17, 2021
Ray elaborated on that question and on other summit issues, including the ones briefly discussed below, during a 15-minute interview today with “The Critical Hour”.
At President Putin’s press conference right after yesterday’s summit meeting with President Biden, Euronews journalist Galina Polonskaya asked Putin if he had reached “a new level of trust with the U.S. president”.
In response, Putin quoted Leo Tolstoy:
“Tolstoy once said, there is no happiness in life, only lightening flashes (зарницы) of it — cherish them. I believe that in this situation some kind of family trust is not possible. However, it seems to me we have seen “lightening flashes” (“зарницы” промелькнули) of it.
In a speech in St. Petersburg two weeks ago, Putin identified the huge fly in the ointment. Acknowledging the political pressures any US president faces in trying to carve out a more sensible relationship with Russia, Putin asserted that “to a certain extent, Russian-American relations have become hostage to internal political processes in the United States itself.”
Putin added:
“I hope it ends someday. I mean the fundamental interests in the field of at least security, strategic stability and the reduction of weapons dangerous for the whole world are still more important than the current domestic political situation in the United States itself.”
Biden’s prickly defensiveness, including ranting at journalists, who intimate he might be too trusting of Putin and too confident that Putin “will change his behavior”, is part and parcel of what Putin was alluding to.
Here, for example, is how Biden answered a journalist who asked at his press conference, “Do you believe you can trust him [Putin]?”
Look, this is not about trust; this is about self-interest, and verification of self-interest. That’s what it’s about. … I don’t say, ‘Well, I trust you. No problem’. Let’s see what happens.
As I wrote Wednesday in “Trust Lacking at Blah Summit ( See: ) This tends to turn the tried-and-tested “Trust, But Verify” approach on its head, and does not auger well for improvement in U.S.-Russia ties any time soon.
Last but hardly least, Putin is well aware that although Biden is president, he is not only “hostage to internal political processes” but is likely to be thwarted by the formidable Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex, should he try to bang some heads together and force steps toward rapprochement with Russia.
The MICIMATT has extinguished many a “lightening flash”. If — and it is a big “IF” — President Biden does try to take it on, the odds are heavily against him, barring some kind of miracle.
Weren’t the Putin-“killer” & Diplomatic “Disasters” of Middle March a Boon for the MICIMATT?
By Ray McGovern
Incendiary rhetoric about Putin and arrogance that China finds unacceptable justify obscene outlays for weapons, after all. Gotta ask cui bono, before attributing all those missteps to highly educated numbskulls.
MICIMATT Keeping Us Stuck in Afghanistan
Ray uses the MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-MEDIA-Academia-Think-Tank) acronym because it’s easy to understand and remember. It sounds like Mickey Mouse (who should be trusted in foreign policy to just about the same degree as the MCIMATT complex) and reminds us of Eisenhower’s MIC warning (which, sadly, is proving uncannily prescient.) In its most recent betrayal of what is right and just, the MICIMATT complex is thwarting all attempts to pull out of Afghanistan. Ray discusses on Crosstalk:
The Latest on Israel, Gaza, Iran
As Nima and I discuss the latest on Israel, Gaza, Iran, and the report that Russia shot down an F-35 carrying a nuclear weapon, the US Congress voted to throw good money after bad at the MICIMATT to support Ukraine in a losing cause and Israel in genocide.
Blood-drenched Arms Traders Win Again
The “blood-drenched arms traders” (Pope Francis) won big today, as the House voted to throw billions more good money after bad at the MICIMATT, while calling those billions “support for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan”. Surely time to sing loudly the MICIMATT song
Russia, Ukraine, Finns, Swedes
March 25 interview: Terrorist attack in Moscow – how could the US, with unprecedented speed, absolve Ukraine, blame ISIS-K? Killing the canard WILL RUSSIA STOP IN UKRAINE? Bay of Pigs ‘mousetrap’ precedent. What’s with the Finns and Swedes? MICIMATT rules.