Intel Leak in the Ellsberg Tradition
Is Whitey At It Again?
Is Whitey At It Again? James Baldwin to Angela Davis: “As long as white Americans take refuge in their whiteness, they will allow millions of other people to be slaughtered.” The Pentagon has shared Israeli attack plans with the other “FIVE (WHITE) EYES”
How and When Israel Will Attack Iran
Biden told reporters Friday he knows how & when Israel will attack Iran. Leaked TOP SECRET intel reports dated Wednesday show Pentagon closely monitoring attack preparations. Biden has made the US complicit; US troops nearby may be paying a price in blood.
Israel’s Special Privileges
Do Israeli generals still have unfettered access to Pentagon as in 2002, before war on Iraq? Does Lloyd Austin favor aggressive war as much as Rumsfeld did? We are likely to find out in next days. AND can I be a bystander as Biden enables genocide in Gaza?
Ghost Ryder in the Sky
Ghost Ryder in the Sky: Pentagon spokesman AF Gen Ryder should stop chasing UFOs and come down to earth. On Thursday he claimed Russia “desperate, in dire situation running out of troops in Ukraine”
Oops. Did someone give him briefing notes from Oct 2023?
German Sumbissiveness
Dimitri Lascaris chose not to rein in my anecdotes: from RT to Iran, Israel, sailing to Gaza. German “sheepish submissiveness” 80 yrs after WWII: Is it “Battered Wife Syndrome”? Bizarre: Ruin German economy, then get the highest “German Cross” award
Putin Urges Restraint
Russia pressing Iran DON’T ALLOW regional war that Israel is trying to provoke. After meeting w/Putin on Oct 11, Pezeshkian: “I HOPE we will finalize our strategic treaty with Russia during BRICS.” Moscow is calling on “all parties to exercise restraint”.
Latest “Presidential Briefing”
“Mr. President, You Can Stop War with Iran!”