On “CrossTalk” October 9, I offered my best guesses as to why Israel had not yet retaliated for missile attack by Iran on October 1. Interesting discussion. Four days later, we find ourselves still wondering — and speculating. rt.com/shows/crosstal
Nordstream News
NORDSTREAM: The 2 tweets on which these short website items were based: https://raymcgovern.com/2024/10/10/transponders-turned-off-near-nordstream/ and https://raymcgovern.com/2024/10/10/nord-stream-news/ garnered more “impressions” than I have “followers”. Yet the NYTimes still hides investigation by Sy Hersh https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream
Netanyahu, Biden, the Approaching Election
Transponders Turned Off Near Nordstream
Satellite data analysis firm report 2 yrs ago: 2 ships with transponders turned off were spotted near Nordstream pipeline just days before explosions. Director of NGO Baltic Security Foundation: This is rare unless the vessels had “clandestine objectives”.
Nord Stream News
BREAKING on breaking Nordstream pipelines: John Anker Nielsen, a Danish habormaster near pipelines detected USN ships with transponders off 4 or 5 days before explosion. He was ordered to turn back and “not allowed to say a thing”. h/t Glenn Greenwald & X.
Can the Pentagon Prevent Escalation
No Forensics? No Problem!
No forensics? No problem! Oct 7, 2016 Directors of Homeland Security & Nat’l Intelligence issued false “Joint Statement” that Russia hacked DNC emails. https://dhs.gov/archive/news/2016/10/07/joint-statement-department-homeland-security-and-office-director-national Turns out Obama made them do it; his pressure to help Clinton was revealed at trial of DNC lawyer Michael Sussmann
More Messages from Russia and China
Putin is Not Bluffing on Nukes
Briefing the ‘President’. Putin is not bluffing on nukes. Blinken and Sullivan have “shown their mettle”. If you won’t fire them, put them on 4-months leave. Widen your circle of advisers beyond those wet behind the ears. And talk to John Mearsheimer