Putin’s Take it or Leave it Speech

Putin’s Best and Final on ending Ukraine war; TAKE-IT-OR-LEAVE-IT speech today, warning “realities on the ground” will make future terms worse for the West. Putin has put down a marker; but looking toward election, Biden’s sophomores are likely to escalate


The Sleazy US Policy Toward Russia

Vertrauensverbruch is EVEN WORSE THAN IT SOUNDS! Breach of Trust is apt description of sleazy US policy toward Russia. Reneging on NATO and on intermediate missiles in Ukraine. I expose the sleaze to the Swiss before the “peace conference” they are hosting.


Scott Ritter Doesn’t Quit

Scott Ritter doesn’t quit; that is precisely why he is so feared and harassed by those who start and escalate wars based on lies; first 20 min: The Real Scott Ritter. Then detailed comments on top issues – with NIMA (and, thankfully, enabled by Paxlovid).


Dismissing Putin’s Warnings

Is Rising-Junior Jake Sullivan so blinded by his straight-“A”s sense of impunity as to dismiss Putin’s warnings & reduce us all to ashes? Will Sullivan continue to play on Biden’s ineptitude despite risk? Cuba 2.0: The Admiral (Gorshkov) Does the Caribbean


The Day Israel Learned it Could Get Away with Murder

On June 8, 1967 Israel learned it could get away with murder. ATTEMPT TO SINK USS LIBERTY LEFT 34 KILLED, 170+ WOUNDED. Adm. Thomas Moorer: “Cmdrs of carriers America & Saratoga were ordered not to rescue. It was the most disgraceful act I witnessed in my entire military career.”

Kremlin Warnings of Consequences

Ukraine’s provocative drone attacks on Russian early warning radar sites largely account for the urgency of Kremlin warnings re consequences of strikes deep inside Russia, imho. WE CAN HANDLE PINPRICKS, BUT DON’T MESS WITH OUR STRATEGIC WARNING CAPABILITY.