Biden’s Abiding Illusion

Bob and Ray – Two Guys From the Bronx, who have been around the block. Robert Scheer interviews me and we role play briefing of The President’s Daily Brief on Ukraine, SW Asia. Biden’s abiding illusion that “The USA is most powerful country in the world”.


Is Israel Trimming its Sails

Does yesterday’s mini-attack on Iran mean Israel is trimming its sails amid US warnings not to escalate? Have Biden/Blinken no shame admitting that the $ “for Ukraine and Israel” goes directly to what Pope Francis calls the “blood-soaked arms makers” here?


Russia-gate Revisited


Could the Russians Seize Congress, asks Patrick Lawrence:

Lawrence saw through Russia-gate from the very start:

Warning: Top Russ-gate pundit Michael Isikoff playing ‘come-back kid’, thanks to SpyTalk’s Jeff Stein.

Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack

Iran’s weekend drone & missile demo attack on Israel is a watershed event; shows Tehran no longer deterred by Israel/US. Will Biden’s admonition dissuade Israel from escalating still further? Precedent would say, Hell no. BUT this is entirely new ball game.


The Genocide Enabled by a Catholic President

Watched Bishop Tom Gumbleton funeral just before my chat with Nima. Pomp and Circumstance – Circumstance? the GENOCIDE enabled by a Catholic president – not a word by clergy; no shouts “CEASEFIRE NOW!” from the sheeple. Nima indulges me (min 25:25 – 35:35)


War Profiteers Profiting Handsomely

CUI BONO $60B more “for Ukraine”? WAR PROFITEERS – NOT Ukraine. Sen. Tuberville unconvinced Ukraine in NATO is good idea: “If you were Russian would you want that?” It appeared that automaton Austin had never been asked that before; offered stale bromides.