How We Got Here and How to End the Madness…

On Sunday Ray briefed the stalwarts at Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in the Northwest of Washington state, who witness to life in the dark shadow of nuclear armed Trident submarines, eight of which are based at a naval base adjacent to Ground Zero. (The other six Tridents are deployed on the East Coast at Kings Bay, Georgia, where the “Kings Bay Plowshares 7” did a nonviolent action on April 4, 2018 — which resulted in their having to spend considerable time in prison.)

The adjacent Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor is homeport to the largest concentration of deployed nuclear warheads in the U.S. The nuclear warheads are not only deployed on Trident submarines, but are also stored in an underground nuclear weapons storage facility on the base.

One Trident submarine carries the destructive force of over 1,200 Hiroshima bombs (the Hiroshima bomb was 15 kilotons).

Since the crisis in Ukraine has brought the possible use of nuclear weapons into rather Blasé conversation, it seemed good to provide a brief review of how we got where we now are in Ukraine and what we might try to do to end the madness. Since Ray focused on ‘Russia-gate: Can You Handle the Truth’ the last time he was in Seattle and environs ( See: ) he devoted some time to updating on that and relating matters.

How Far Will Russian Tanks Go Into Ukraine?

By Ray McGovern, Jan 17, 2023
What follows is part of a recent 45-minute interview linked below:

I don’t think President Putin wants to occupy all, or even most, of Ukraine. That would be the kind of really stooooooped thing Cheney/Bush/Rumsfeld would try to do.

But, if the U.S. really wants to avoid war with Russia, it must realize that, barring the use of nuclear weapons, Russia is not only determined to prevail but has the means to prevail. What has gone on in Ukraine over the last nine years poses an existential threat to Russia. It will not tolerate an existential threat.

Putin is not paranoid. He has heard from U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that:

“One of the US’s goals in Ukraine is to see a weakened Russia. … The U.S. is ready to move heaven and earth to help Ukraine win the war against Russia.”

Russian military intelligence (like all military intelligence) must weigh CAPABILITIES, more than intentions. Can the U.S. achieve Austin’s goal? No. Not without using nuclear weapons. President Biden says he doesn’t want to do that, because that would mean WWIII.

Thus, there is a gapingly large conceptual disconnect. Biden and his sophomore advisers do not seem to “get it”, and this makes it exceptionally dangerous.

Simply, the U.S. cannot have both: “win the war against Russia” AND avoid WWIII. This has been clear for many months. The fact that the sophomores don’t “get it” puts the Russians on high alert – prepared for anything. How far west into Ukraine they will go, depends on some sanity and flexibility in Washington, of which there is not a plentiful supply.

Why I’m so “Obsessed” with Russia-gate

Why am I so “obsessed” to expose Russia-gate ( ) a pundit asked. In same vein, a colleague called me “one-trick pony”. “Russia has nukes”, I told the first; I reminded the second of my other main “trick”, as Patrick Lawrence elaborates