Why Trump’s stupid talk re Russia casualties & “failing” economy? Putin ignores; says today: “If Trump’s victory hadn’t been stolen in 2020, perhaps the crisis in Ukraine that arose in 2022 wouldn’t have happened.” Will JFK docs throw light on the COVERUP?
Bishop Budde’s Bold Challenge
Those Displaying Courage and Those Displaying Fear
From courageous women bishops, to Israeli “Strong Men”, to Deep State actors still flaunting their power (with some help from Foreign Affairs) to Senators who may vote against Tulsi Gabbard for fear of FBI digging up dirt on them — just finished with Nima
Open Door Directive from Deuteronomy
Church, Temple, Mosque: “Do justice to the foreigner” (Deut 24:17). OPEN YOUR DOORS AND PROVIDE SANCTUARY. In ancient Israel, a “foreigner” was one who lived among the Israelites but was not a native-born citizen. They were the most vulnerable, so protect!
In Honor of MLK Day
On MLK day I borrowed from his Birmingham Jail letter to thank Judge Napolitano for providing the operating table to lance the boil of deceit/injustice, squeeze out the pus, and then appeal to “the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion”
How Bad Blinken Has Become
Forceful ejection, on video, of journalist Sam Husseini from Blinken briefing https://commondreams.org/husseini-blumenthal-removed-state-departmentshows shows how bad it has become. In 2006 I confronted Rumsfeld. Glancing at live CNN camera he told the man in the black hat, “No, no; let him stay a second.”
Pentagon & CIA Reign in Blinken/Sullivan/Netanyahu
Pentagon & CIA have nixed Blinken/Sullivan plan to let Netanyahu “do Iran”. CIA Director Burns has publicly reminded that Iran stopped working on a nuclear weapon in 2003. Tulsi Gabbard has bowed to deep surveillance state; German election also discussed.
Intelligence Agencies and Trump
WEBINAR: “Intel agencies & Trump”: Kiriakou, Rowley, Johnson, McGovern. Moderator Jeremy Kuzmarov, managing editor of Covert Action Magazine
If They Try to Convince You Iran Has Nukes…
Mr President: Before they sell you “Iran has nukes”, KICK THE TIRES!
Exactly How Unaccountable is Today’s CIA
Does the lack of accountability shown in newly released documents ( See https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/dnsa-intelligence/2024-12-23/cia-behavior-control-experiments-focus-new-scholarly )
on CIA drug “experiments” on people persist today? How much do congressional oversight committees overlook? Will the Intel Community say honest on Iran nuclear?