Will Cash Patel order FBI to obey Court order to FINALLY produce its copious files on Rich? Russia did NOT hack the DNC emails so damaging to Hillary. On Friday we may learn what role, if any, the DNC’s Rich played in this sordid affair.
Great Discussion with Graham Fuller
A tour d’horizon with my former colleague Graham Fuller, who has experience, learning, and insight that just won’t quit – on Russia, Southwest Asia, Turkey (you name it). Hat tip to the Schiller Institute’s Mike Billington for asking the right questions. https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/unlisted/2025/eirv52n09-20250228/ob04mD_eLsH2GePNcS2Ajxd/5209-we_have_a_choice_folks.html
Aaron’s Self-immolation Anniversary
Bob (Scheer) and Ray on Gaza and US-Russia-Ukraine. FIRST THINGS FIRST, THOUGH. As Aaron Bushnell self-immolated one year ago, recall his bracing words: “What would I do if my country was committing genocide? The answer is: You’re doing it now. Right now.”
Taking on the MICIMATT – There May Be Hope
Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich see hope in Trump’s declared willingness to take on the MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-MEDIA-Academia-Think Tank) complex https://youtube.com/watch?v=2h3fsp4ZCTw . The Kuciniches have done their homework. MUST READ.
Doing the Right Thing… Finally
Understanding that No Means No on NATO
Trump has better intel advisers than the clowns who told Biden in mid-2023 “Putin has already lost.” Acknowledging that Putin’s NYET on Ukraine-in-NATO is “written in stone”, Trump says he “understands Russians’ feelings on this “right on their doorstep”
Bob and Ray Talk Russia-US Relations
Bob and Ray (Scheer and McGovern): Their weekly Tuesday discussion came just minutes after an early spring thaw in US-Russia relations took concrete shape at mtg of the two delegations in Saudi Arabia. Implications are HUGE (and not only for Ukraine war).