Generals Strutting onto Convention Stage Sharply Criticized by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey


Dempsey insists, correctly, “generals have an obligation to uphold our apolitical traditions. They have just made the task of their successors — who continue to serve in uniform and are accountable for our security — more complicated. It was a mistake for them to participate as they did. It was a mistake for our presidential candidates to ask them to do so.”


Dempsey is the only four-star in recent memory that helped a president (Obama) avoid being mousetrapped into a feckless, unnecessary war (Syria, the neocon target in September 2013).  Moreover, he did not have his orderly plaster ten rows of medals, ribbons, and merit badges on his left breast – like the preening “warrior/scholar” David Petraeus.  And Dempsey avoided barking, like Gen. John Allen (see next posting).


The Petraeuses and Allens of this world bring to mind one of Sid Caesar’s best roles as a preening, schpitt-und-polish German General.  His orderly, performing what appear to be some of the spiffing-up functions of Paula Broadwell, offers an equally memorable performance.  Enjoy!


(8 minutes)