On January 24, 2017, Ray suggested to Sen. Dick Durbin, D, Illinois, that he apply the same due diligence to the bogus intelligence on “Russian hacking” the election as he did to the bogus intelligence on WMD in Iraq 15 years ago. (Durbin was one of only 6 senators to vote against the Iraq war but, sadly, has now become, witting or not, a leading Democratic hack about hacking.) Sen. Durbin and Center for Hillary American Progress Action Fund President Neera Tanden, with an assist from Lindsey Graham and John McCain (sic), are pushing for a full, thorough investigation to pin those Russians down for helping Trump defeat Hillary. And it’s all flat fact, you see – (just like WMD).
Ray’s Q & A portion comes at minutes 29:30 to 31:40, but listening to some of the rest will give you a sense of make-up game the Democrats are playing – after losing the big one.
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