May 31, 2018 (10 minutes: from min. 1:54 to 12:00)
Al-Nashiri had accused his interrogators of “hanging him upside down for almost a month; subjecting him to waterboarding; making him stand in a box for a week; slamming him into a wall; and keeping him in positions of stress.” A U.S. Navy Reserve doctor who interviewed al-Nashiri described him as “one of the most severely traumatized individuals I have ever seen.”
Is it not time for those of us who are white to be honest and take a stand against torture? The worst they can do to you, if you’re white, is beat you up, arrest you, and put you in jail in shackles; and then you get out. I do not ask my African American or Latino brothers/sisters to perform that kind of witness, since they are often shot or tased (and many already summon the courage to protest despite the danger).
On a more serious note, let’s ponder this truth from Rabbi Abraham Heschel:
When injustice takes place, “few are guilty, but all are responsible. Indifference to evil is more insidious than evil itself.”