Will Tulsi Gabbard Be Able to DIRECT the Intelligence ‘Community’? Depends on how strongly Trump backs this new “Princess Bride”. Have fun stormin’ the castle, Tulsi … It would take a miracle! consortiumnews.com/2024/11/14/ray
Forced Starvation
Upcoming Trump Putin Conversation
It’s Time to Talk
Turns out WashPost was again (eagerly?) misled reporting Trump toughness in the Putin conversation that never was. But here was chance to lay out some relatively unknown facts as to why the US & Russian presidents have not talked for two and a half years!
How to Pilfer a Pulitzer
WashPost ace intelligence reporter Ellen Nakashima is still relying on “people familiar with the matter”. https://washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/11/10/trump-putin-phone-call-ukraine/ This time reporting Trump-Putin conversation Kremlin says never happened. Similar reporting on Russia-gate won her a Pulitzer.
Will Trump be Neo-Conned Again
Risen Raises a Russia Hoax Rerun
Gullible enough to trust re-re-run of “Putin-Wants-Trump”? Erstwhile reporter James Risen joins full-court press: “Trump Campaign’s Ties to Russia Were No Hoax.” Jim, they were made up by the same folks who feed you now. Please read this sworn testimony