Forced Starvation

Give an Irishman a microphone, and he’ll start singing – this time a dirge about The Great Hunger, another forced starvation in Gaza, and people who forget their roots.

Upcoming Trump Putin Conversation

Pleased that Garland Nixon gave me enough time to address issues on the front burner; including Putin and Trump and their upcoming-but-not-yet conversation on Ukraine — and genocide/forced starvation.

Will Trump be Neo-Conned Again

What will Trump do with his ‘Mulligan’? Duff the ball off the tee by repeating what he admitted to Joe Rogan was his “biggest mistake” – picking neocons, bad, disloyal people” like “nutjob John Bolton”? Putin on Trump; Ukraine; Iran-Israel also discussed.

Manufacturing Progress on Ukraine

To manufacture progress on Ukraine, Blinken & Sullivan hope to pull a rabbit out of a hat — a South Korean rabbit, if they lean hard enough on President Yoon. Also, embarrassing cameos of ‘statesmen’ who are well beyond the “age of statutory senility”.