Wearing a keffiyeh to “Stay Human” – NOT NEUTRAL. I recommend it. Archbishop Tutu: “If you are neutral amid injustice you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Tutu: Palestine Apartheid is worse than in S Africa; he said that BEFORE the current genocide.
Skin and Bones in Gaza
During my weekly briefing of the President I showed him a recent photo of a young boy reduced to skin-and-bones in Gaza. Thought this might appeal to his conscience. “Biden” immediately asked is this photo from Hamas? Conscience?
Another Great Hunger in Gaza
After appealing, in vain, to the “President’s” conscience, I pulled out all the stops with a poignant Irish song from the time of the Great Hunger, in hope he could identify w/starvation. He asked “What can I do?”, so I told him. We ALL need to tell him.
Can Tulsi Rein in the Intelligence Bureaucracy
Can Tulsi Gabbard rein in the deeply entrenched intelligence bureaucracy and its covert action operatives? Includes cameos by John Bolton, whom Trump has called a “nutjob” and by Christian Zionist Mike Huckabee, who has long since earned the same honorific
Forced Starvation
Give an Irishman a microphone, and he’ll start singing – this time a dirge about The Great Hunger, another forced starvation in Gaza, and people who forget their roots.
Upcoming Trump Putin Conversation
Pleased that Garland Nixon gave me enough time to address issues on the front burner; including Putin and Trump and their upcoming-but-not-yet conversation on Ukraine — and genocide/forced starvation.
It’s Time to Talk
Turns out WashPost was again (eagerly?) misled reporting Trump toughness in the Putin conversation that never was. But here was chance to lay out some relatively unknown facts as to why the US & Russian presidents have not talked for two and a half years!