No forensics? No problem! Oct 7, 2016 Directors of Homeland Security & Nat’l Intelligence issued false “Joint Statement” that Russia hacked DNC emails. Turns out Obama made them do it; his pressure to help Clinton was revealed at trial of DNC lawyer Michael Sussmann
More Messages from Russia and China
Putin is Not Bluffing on Nukes
Briefing the ‘President’. Putin is not bluffing on nukes. Blinken and Sullivan have “shown their mettle”. If you won’t fire them, put them on 4-months leave. Widen your circle of advisers beyond those wet behind the ears. And talk to John Mearsheimer
What is Likely in MidEast and Ukraine
Netanyahu: Chutzpah on Steroids
Biden Being Played
A close facsimile to The President’s Daily Brief. Biden, played by Robert Scheer, is also being “played by” Netanyahu & Zelensky). Update on Israel-Hezbollah & Ukraine. Forewarning Biden Zelensky’s advisers still include Boris Johnson, & now David Petraeus
What Else Could US Military Prevent
The Choice Between Plague and Cholera
As Germans put it in 2016 the US election is again a choice between Pest [plague] und Cholera. The odds-on favorite = the MICIMATT & enablers of genocide/fans of torture. My God! Are we the fearful, sheepishly submissive Germans of WWII? Only 6 weeks left!