Pentagon & CIA have nixed Blinken/Sullivan plan to let Netanyahu “do Iran”. CIA Director Burns has publicly reminded that Iran stopped working on a nuclear weapon in 2003. Tulsi Gabbard has bowed to deep surveillance state; German election also discussed.
Intelligence Agencies and Trump
WEBINAR: “Intel agencies & Trump”: Kiriakou, Rowley, Johnson, McGovern. Moderator Jeremy Kuzmarov, managing editor of Covert Action Magazine
If They Try to Convince You Iran Has Nukes…
Mr President: Before they sell you “Iran has nukes”, KICK THE TIRES!
Exactly How Unaccountable is Today’s CIA
Does the lack of accountability shown in newly released documents ( See )
on CIA drug “experiments” on people persist today? How much do congressional oversight committees overlook? Will the Intel Community say honest on Iran nuclear?
Preventing the Power of the Military-Industrial Complex
Warning of the dangerous of the growing power of the “military-industrial complex”, Eisenhower said this can be prevented only by “an alert and knowledgeable citizenry”. That will be you IF you read and ponder Bill Astore’s latest:
CIA “Behavior Control Experiments”
Sorry for the bad link earlier to the National Security Archive research report, chapter & verse on CIA “Behavior Control Experiments”, including drugging folks with LSD, etc. The link below should work. Please click on it and skim through the whole thing.
What Trump, Yes Trump, Acknowledged
Breaking or Just Braking the CIA?
BREAKING or just BRAKING the CIA: Is either possible? Read National Security Archive or tune in to Dialogue Works earlier today, and decide for yourself.
The Blood-Soaked Arms Trade
Two years ago today, the largest Catholic TV/Radio network filmed and promoted a 1-minute video of me appealing to Pope Francis to put deeds behind his earlier words (to Congress) about the “blood-soaked arms trade” fueling war in Ukraine. Didn’t work. ☹️
Letting Pope Francis Off the Hook
In the aborted meeting with the pope earlier planned for today, Biden had hoped to probe procuring a papal patina of probity for promoting genocide. Sadly, Pope Francis seemed prepared to mealymouth the issue & shirk the moral imperative to condemn. Oops!