Senator Richard Burr: a Longtime Fan of Torture

By Ray McGovern, August 11, 2018

Curious: Not a word of this story appeared in Ray’s home-delivered Washington Post on either August 10 or 11, even though a good report by the Post’s Karen deYoung appeared on the 10th in the Post online.  DeYoung’s online article was titled:
Torture of al-Qaeda suspect described in 2002 cables sent by CIA Director Gina Haspel.

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The NY Times, for its part, carried a long report by Julian E. Barnes and Scott Shane in both print and online editions on August 10:

( See: )

The NYT online article was titled: Cables Detail C.I.A. Waterboarding at Secret Prison Run by Gina Haspel.  That headline was adjusted a bit for the print version (page A8 of the New York edition).  The print title was: “Cables Detail Torture at Prison Run by Current C.I.A. Chief.”